Friday, July 23, 2010

So... I learned a new word today.

The word is Anserine.

an·ser·ine (ansər īn′, -in)
  1. of or like a goose
  2. stupid; foolish

I was in the car with Deathpaw, driving home after dropping Fox off at work. He is going to be away for a week with his parents on vacation. A few miles from home, I noticed a poor animal on the side of the road. I ask Deathpaw to stop. He turns around and I walk over to the animal. It was a fully grown fox. Saddened, I respectfully pick it up to place it in the bushes so it wouldn't be desecrated by any more cars as they go by. After I put it down, I notice a red truck slow down and stop near me. The passenger side window rolls down and I notice an older gentleman, possibly mid-fifties, looking at me. He says, in a very thick hick-like accent:

"Lady, that was stupid. Don't you go touchin' no foxes. They has rabies!"

Seriously. this man obviously believes that touching the corpse of a dead fox is going to give me rabies. Now, I would have thanked this man for his concern and sent him on his way if he wasn't so -mean- when he talked to me. He was downright angry. As if I was threatening -his- life by picking up a fox on the side of the road. Carefully, I might add. Instead, I simply said-

"It can't give me rabies. It's -dead-. It has to bite me to give it to me."

As he was driving away, I couldn't help but yell back at him... "DUMBASS!"

I got in the car and drove home. *sighs*


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