I'm such a bad tree... I'm sorry for the lack of updates.
So... We finally downed Professor Putricide, yay!
Thanks to my guild for sticking to it and finally getting that bastard down!
Andrew and I started running Saturday ICC 25-man PuGs. (Short for "Pick up Group") For the most part they've been pretty successful. We've downed four bosses without any issue, but have been having trouble downing the Plague Wing. We are going to be trying to down Festergut, Rotface, and Putricide on Monday. *crosses her fingers*
Now, for a rant.
I just recently read the Cataclysm Druid class changes and I'm pretty torn. I'm really happy about most of the changes. The one I'm upset about is the change to remove Tree of Life from a passive form, to a cooldown. This means I can only be a tree for a short time, most likely when I need burst healing. One of the reasons for the change was that they wanted Druids to be able to stop complaining about not showing off our armor... WTF? Just let us show off our Shoulderpads in forms! *sighs*
The only good part of this change is that I'll be showing off my sexy Worgen-ness a lot more. (They better have great casting animations!)
Congratulations, Love! *sighs* Too bad I wasn't awake to watch you defeat the putrid one. I'll really try and stay awake through your raids to share in these moments with you.